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Brenda last won the day on July 13 2015

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About Brenda

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  1. I agree. Controversy is very good on a forum. The stuff Patrick was spewing was not. It was the reason I left the forum for quite a long time, and I'm pretty sure I was not the only one.
  2. LOL....track down Patrick? You must be kidding!
  3. I still check in every day and delete some spam. Just don't seem to have anything to talk about. Happy New Year!
  4. Καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος!
  5. Did anyone else notice the position of the glasses in the German's lovely photo? Classy guy.
  6. and that may very well be the answer to your thread question, Admin.
  7. I have to agree with Admin's perspective on how things are in Greece right now. That's the way I saw it, too. The same as last year and the year before. In my village, of course, nothing changes. In the city there were more closed stores than last year, but there's a huge, brand new "toy" store that has opened between the city and my village. So, someone has hope for the future.
  8. Eyo and everyone else. It's really sad that a couple of obnoxious people have been allowed to pretty much shut down the forum.
  9. Brenda


    Just before my husband got sick we built a house in his village in the mountains. But it's an easy drive to Astros beach. I, too, remember very well the old road from Athens to Tripoli. On my first trip in 1977...when the airport was still in the city...it was a long, horrendous, late night drive through the mountains. It's so much better now.
  10. Brenda


    Yes, admin...close to Tripoli.
  11. Brenda


    Thank you, all. I DID have a great time. Just flew home last night and, as always, wished I could have stayed longer in my beloved Ellatha. Family is fine, weather was good, although more rain than I've ever experienced in August. Counting the days to go back...unfortunately, not until same time next year.
  12. Brenda


    I hope you can next year, Dino. No matter what, the country will still be there for you.
  13. Brenda


    Very beautiful. The colour of the water is simply breathtaking. On Friday night I'm flying out and I'll be in Greece for 3+ weeks. Can't wait to get there.
  14. I wish you all the best, Dino, in your search. Office politics can really be crappy.
  15. Really? Nobody's posting anything? Or is something wrong with my computer?


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