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Guest PatrickT

solving the refugee crisis

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Guest FriendofGreece

This German is full of bullshit and should be banned from this forum for once and forever.

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Guest eyoismos



absolutely not


 ridicule yes ...but ban, NO


besides we have his multiple mugshots of himself, like an attention whore that he is


i mean really ... post pictures of ones self on a forum on the net? how much of a dickbrain do you have to be, to do that? ...oh wait ... we forget  .... we are talking about the mounopano of hellenism..... my bad

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Guest eyoismos

lets be practical here


lets say by a long shot that the "greek people"  - which is in itself a joke because only a handful actually have bust a gut to do their thing for the refugees - get the Nobel peace prize .... who is going to collect the prize? a representative of the greek government? thats fucking nuts. but then we have a shit load of attention whores who would jump at the opportunity at getting glory that they dont deserve - a time honored tradition in our "elite", so i would be surprised if that will be the case


and the money that goes with the prize? a representative of the greek government? ha ha hotel here we come. giving money to geniuses in economic management would be worthy of comedy central

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Guest PatrickT

This German is full of bullshit and should be banned from this forum for once and forever.


You have the same problem as many greeks have. Low intellectual capacity. Propably because your interbreeding with middle easterns in the many centuries of your occupation. 


The closing of the boarders at Macedonia few days ago were the very same tactical procedure that was done last autumn when the ECB closed the banks down in greece. 


We know greece does nothing to stop the refugees. And by stopping we mean cut down to 0. Last summer when the greek government went nuts and its people even more crazy. When they believed we own them something, we teached them a valuable lesson. As the banks closed down, as pensioners collapsed in the streets and the daily life in greece imploded within days...the greeks finally woke up and signed evrything we demanded.


Same happens right now. The preparations are done from netherlands to kick greece out of Schengen. Macedonia is build up to be the final frontier...and is paid well for it. The closing of the boarder was an experiment and show of force towards the greeks. We all know what happenes once greece i cut off and left alone. It will be flooded from the scum and become a failed state similar to Iraq, Lebanon or Syria within days. 


Reality is, that from its position and internal structure, greece would be perfect as a dumping ground for the refugee problem. Losing greece is meaningless since it has nothing to offer. 

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Patrick there are people in Greece who know all this:



Η Κομισιόν εξέτασε προχθές την αξιολόγηση της Ελλάδας όσον αφορά τις υποχρεώσεις που απορρέουν από τη Σένγκεν, αξιολόγηση που βασίζεται σε αιφνίδιες επιτόπιες επισκέψεις στα ελληνικά νησιά. Το σχέδιο έκθεσης, αν και αναγνωρίζει ότι οι ελληνικές αρχές υφίστανται πιέσεις, υπογραμμίζει ότι

·  η διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης και καταγραφής παράτυπων μεταναστών δεν είναι αποτελεσματική,

·  τα δακτυλικά αποτυπώματα δεν εισάγονται συστηματικά στο σύστημα

·  τα ταξιδιωτικά έγγραφα δεν ελέγχονται συστηματικά για τη γνησιότητά τους ούτε αντιπαραβάλλονται με σημαντικές βάσεις δεδομένων ασφαλείας, όπως το SIS (σύστημα πληροφοριών Σένγκεν), την Ιντερπόλ και άλλες εθνικές βάσεις δεδομένων.

Με βάση αυτές τις διαπιστώσεις, το σχέδιο έκθεσης καταλήγει στο συμπέρασμα ότι η Ελλάδα αμελεί σοβαρά τις υποχρεώσεις της και ότι υπάρχουν σοβαρές αδυναμίες στη διενέργεια ελέγχων στα εξωτερικά σύνορα, οι οποίες πρέπει να εξαλειφθούν και να αντιμετωπιστούν από τις ελληνικές αρχές. Και μας δίνει 3 μήνες να διορθώσουμε τα κακώς κείμενα - και δεν εννοούν 2 μήνες και 15 ημέρες για να φτιάξουμε επιτροπές που θα επιληφθούν των θεμάτων.

Το καμπανάκι χτύπησε, τίποτε δεν θα είναι όπως πριν. Εάν η κυβέρνηση δεν μπορεί να υλοποιήσει τις υποχρεώσεις της να το πει ανοικτά στους ευρωπαίους εταίρους ώστε όλοι μαζί να δουλέψουν για μια λύση. Παράπονα, κατηγορίες, επισημάνσεις για καθυστερήσεις των ευρωπαίων σε άλλες πλευρές του προβλήματος πια δεν θα ακούγονται παρά ως δικαιολογίες. Και ο αντιευρωπαισμός, το συνηθισμένο καταφύγιο των κυβερνητικών στελεχών όταν στριμώχνονται θα έχει τελείως απτά αποτελέσματα: να βγει η Ελλάδα από τη Σένγκεν και να παραμείνουν έγκλειστοι εντός των συνόρων μας δεκάδες χιλιάδες μετανάστες.

Το μόνο ερώτημα αυτή τη στιγμή απευθύνεται στον κ. Μουζάλα. Μπορεί ή Ελλάδα να ανταποκριθεί; Χρειάζεται ο ίδιος οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια από τους ευρωβουλευτές ή το κοινοβούλιο; Υπάρχουν καταγεγραμμένες απαιτήσεις που θα μπορούσαν να καλύψουν οι ευρωπαίοι εταίροι ώστε να υλοποιηθεί έγκαιρα το έργο των hot spots; Είμαι σίγουρος πως όλοι μας είμαστε στη διάθεσή του κ. Μουζάλα περισσότερο από ότι μπορεί να φανταστεί. Γιατί δεν υπάρχει χρόνος για χάσιμο ούτε για κατηγορίες. Είτε μπορεί η χώρα και το κάνει, είτε δεν μπορεί και καλεί σε βοήθεια σήμερα. 



There are unfortunately way to many who have theier heads up their asses like Eyoismos but there is more to Greece than that.

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A few months ago when we started discussing the refugee crisis one of the questions that came up from many of you was "how come those refugee boats are mostly loaded with young men. Why don't these people stay behind to protect their families and fight off ISIS"?


I guess there's a good answer to this, and I only recently stumbled upon it after talking about the refugee issue with some friends who live in Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland). Not sure if what they told me also applies to Germany too. Very possible.


Here's what's happening and why we're seeing so many young men trying to get to those countries and apply for asylum.


The law in these countries says that if an underage boy (18 or less) applies for asylum and is accepted then he can bring over his whole family. On top of this, underage kids are given a place to stay and money to spend while waiting for their papers to be processed. Seems that refugees from the middle east and other places have found out this information through friends and relatives that's why they're all trying to reach those countries, to secure asylum for themselves and eventually bring over their whole families.


There's a side story to this too. All those young men crossing the Aegean and trying to reach northern Europe are obviously not all under 18. What happens though is that they all claim to be under 18, and having no papers with them makes it hard for the authorities to refute their claims. I was told that it's an almost comical (despite the seriousness of the situation...) scene to see men in their 30s, balding, and clearly showing their age, claiming that they're 17 years old. 


Most of these people are desperate, and they're in real need to get out of their war-torn countries. The fact that they choose shady ways to do this doesn't diminish the seriousness of their situation. They need help and the world (not only Europe...) needs to step up and help them out.

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A few months ago when we started discussing the refugee crisis one of the questions that came up from many of you was "how come those refugee boats are mostly loaded with young men. Why don't these people stay behind to protect their families and fight off ISIS"?


I guess there's a good answer to this, and I only recently stumbled upon it after talking about the refugee issue with some friends who live in Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland). Not sure if what they told me also applies to Germany too. Very possible.


Here's what's happening and why we're seeing so many young men trying to get to those countries and apply for asylum.


The law in these countries says that if an underage boy (18 or less) applies for asylum and is accepted then he can bring over his whole family. On top of this, underage kids are given a place to stay and money to spend while waiting for their papers to be processed. Seems that refugees from the middle east and other places have found out this information through friends and relatives that's why they're all trying to reach those countries, to secure asylum for themselves and eventually bring over their whole families.


There's a side story to this too. All those young men crossing the Aegean and trying to reach northern Europe are obviously not all under 18. What happens though is that they all claim to be under 18, and having no papers with them makes it hard for the authorities to refute their claims. I was told that it's an almost comical (despite the seriousness of the situation...) scene to see men in their 30s, balding, and clearly showing their age, claiming that they're 17 years old. 


Most of these people are desperate, and they're in real need to get out of their war-torn countries. The fact that they choose shady ways to do this doesn't diminish the seriousness of their situation. They need help and the world (not only Europe...) needs to step up and help them out.

No. This is BS.

Only 14% of the so called refugees are underage. The majority are young man in their 20's.

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Guest FriendofGreece

You have the same problem as many greeks have. Low intellectual capacity. Propably because your interbreeding with middle easterns in the many centuries of your occupation. 


The closing of the boarders at Macedonia few days ago were the very same tactical procedure that was done last autumn when the ECB closed the banks down in greece. 


We know greece does nothing to stop the refugees. And by stopping we mean cut down to 0. Last summer when the greek government went nuts and its people even more crazy. When they believed we own them something, we teached them a valuable lesson. As the banks closed down, as pensioners collapsed in the streets and the daily life in greece imploded within days...the greeks finally woke up and signed evrything we demanded.


Same happens right now. The preparations are done from netherlands to kick greece out of Schengen. Macedonia is build up to be the final frontier...and is paid well for it. The closing of the boarder was an experiment and show of force towards the greeks. We all know what happenes once greece i cut off and left alone. It will be flooded from the scum and become a failed state similar to Iraq, Lebanon or Syria within days. 


Reality is, that from its position and internal structure, greece would be perfect as a dumping ground for the refugee problem. Losing greece is meaningless since it has nothing to offer. 


Don't make twisted assumptions. It is pathetic that a German Greek-hater has to come to a Greek forum to spew his hatred towards Greece and Greeks. As for the rest, I can read the news better than you.

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Don't make twisted assumptions. It is pathetic that a German Greek-hater has to come to a Greek forum to spew his hatred towards Greece and Greeks. As for the rest, I can read the news better than you.

You know shit about it. Greeks are intelectually disabled. As a Greek I'm not saying this lightly but it is the truth. Greeks are the dumbest people I've experienced in the world. No grasp of logic. No sense for reality. No self reflection. Zero problem solving skills. That's the reason why Greece can not survive on her own.


Dumb ass cheerleaders like yourself who go around blaming God and the world for Greeces problems don't offer any solutions. You just demand others to shoulder the burden of Greeces failures.

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Guest FriendofGreece

You know shit about it. Greeks are intelectually disabled. As a Greek I'm not saying this lightly but it is the truth. Greeks are the dumbest people I've experienced in the world. No grasp of logic. No sense for reality. No self reflection. Zero problem solving skills. That's the reason why Greece can not survive on her own.


Dumb ass cheerleaders like yourself who go around blaming God and the world for Greeces problems don't offer any solutions. You just demand others to shoulder the burden of Greeces failures.


You are Greek? I remember reading not a long time ago that you consider yourself Ottoman. I believe also that you were wishing for the restoration of Ottoman empire grandeur.


Did I ever blame God? Did you ever read my posts about me asking what is the Greek government doing to protect the borders from the mass invaders, suggesting that Greeks and diaspora Greeks protest against the invasions being forced upon them, suggesting that the government put the Navy to patrol the islands where the migrants land, etc.?


I blame Merkel because the migrants come in big hordes because of her opening the borders to accept all. All the migrants know that. They don't want to go to Greece, they want to go to Germany and Finland. Greece, being the external borders of the EU, should expect to receive assistance from the EU, and huge assistance. On the contrary, the EU is wiping their hands over the problem, a problem that Merkel has created. Greece is made a scapegoat for the incompetence and the hypocrisy of the EU, whether you think it or not.


And what solutions did you ever suggest, except ranting against the Greeks, and it seems, taking joy over their demise like that German Greek-hater?

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Guest PatrickT

ha ha ha ha I didn´t know greeks were that brain dead. I know there are mental issues but what i witness here is laughable at best.


Twisted assumptions? I just say what our leaders say. It is unavoidable. I find it almost comical that some retards don´t even get it when we use exactly the same tactic a 2nd time.


We first demand something. Then we say what will happen if greece does not follow. Then we do something ice cold. A show of force to let greeks look into the abyss.




It usually just takes a few days and greece collapses all its demands and does like ordered. 


Same happens right now. There are massive threats to kick greece out of Schengen.




Greece does its clown show again and says its impossible to stop the "refugees" from entering. Which is bullshit. Spain protects its coast and cust those numbers down to 0. 


Meanwhile massive barriers are build up in the entire balkan area and Macedonia is being pushed up as a iron frontier.


The greeks sit there like idiots, watch all this unfold and don´t hear the shot. Then last week the boarder was closed and it came what had to came. Mass panic in northern greece within first hours. 


Our foreign minister openly called it a test run. 


Looks like greece finally gets its job in Europe. Be the dumping ground for this problem. 

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You are Greek? I remember reading not a long time ago that you consider yourself Ottoman. I believe also that you were wishing for the restoration of Ottoman empire grandeur.


Did I ever blame God? Did you ever read my posts about me asking what is the Greek government doing to protect the borders from the mass invaders, suggesting that Greeks and diaspora Greeks protest against the invasions being forced upon them, suggesting that the government put the Navy to patrol the islands where the migrants land, etc.?


I blame Merkel because the migrants come in big hordes because of her opening the borders to accept all. All the migrants know that. They don't want to go to Greece, they want to go to Germany and Finland. Greece, being the external borders of the EU, should expect to receive assistance from the EU, and huge assistance. On the contrary, the EU is wiping their hands over the problem, a problem that Merkel has created. Greece is made a scapegoat for the incompetence and the hypocrisy of the EU, whether you think it or not.


And what solutions did you ever suggest, except ranting against the Greeks, and it seems, taking joy over their demise?


Your posts reveal that you are a "Believer", meaning someone who rejects reality and lives in his own fantasy world of fairytales and miracles. Living in "Your Own World" is what the IDIO in idiot stands for. Me designating you as such is thus not an act of fancy but the logical consequnce of semantic definition.



Every biological species, is subject to evolutionary selection. A sufficiently large  initial genetic pattern generates a descendant pattern that displays the same Bell distribution of traits as the parent pattern for as long as the selective criteria remain invariant. A variance in the selective criteria leads to a shift in the Bell distribution of the descendant generation.


If the selective criteria favor corruption, laziness, greed, stupidity and egotism the Bell curve maximum shifts along the trait axis towards those traits.

Todays Graecian society is the product of a selective breeding program that was started in Byzantine times and was enforced even more vigorously during the Ottoman Era and beyond. The selective pressure of aeons led to the near eradication of creativity, integritity, tenacity and inteligence from the Greek genepool. Greek failure is the unavoidable consequnce of genetics.


No matter what benchmark you run, Greeks always score last among other Europeans in technological innovation, productivity, creativity and first in corruption. Which proves what every rational person already knows:  Darwinism works. 

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Guest FriendofGreece

That I believe in God does not at all mean what you fantasize to be. Don't flatter yourself.


Following your logic, since you said you are Greek, why should I not think that you are also "intelectually disabled", "the dumbest", with "No grasp of logic. No sense for reality. No self reflection. Zero problem solving skills", which would make what you said moot?

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An environment than favors excellence, creativity and integrity breeds excellence creativity and integrity. An environment that robs the meritorious of ressources to feed an army of mediocre slackers, as it is the case in Greece, breeds an army of mediocre slackers. This is a rational statement that can stand on its own regardless of the shortcomings of the messenger. But this is obviously beyond the grasp of somebody who believes in a magic man in the sky.

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Guest PatrickT

There is no need to argue. It is unavoidable. Evrything what i said comes into realisation now. We will witness the isolation of greece and its transformation into a giant camp.


your pathetic god won´t save you. 

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Guest eyoismos

περίεργο πράγμα λοιπόν .. κάθε φορά που η πουτάνα έρχεται εδω και προσπαθεί να πουλήσει το μουνί της με σκόπο να διαδώσει αρρώστειες, την στιγμή που κάποιος βάζει μπλόκο και αρνείται ο ιστοτόπος να γινει το μπουρδέλο της, ...τσούφ έρχεται η  τσατά να την υπερασπίζει ... αλλά θα μου πεί κανείς  ... κάθε τσατσά ξεκίνησε την καριέρα της σαν πουτάνα, και κατα τα φαινόμενα, ακόμα πουτάνα είναι

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No. This is BS.

Only 14% of the so called refugees are underage. The majority are young man in their 20's.


Exactly, and that's the point. They're clearly in their 20s and some in their 30s yet they all claim that they're 17-18 when they get ashore and the Greeks don't seem to care either way (and that's part of the problem) so they provide them with documents showing that they're underage. So when these people end up in Denmark, Sweden, Finland etc. they're holding documents showing that they're underage and they ask for the benefits underage refugees receive from these countries.

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There is no need to argue. It is unavoidable. Evrything what i said comes into realisation now. We will witness the isolation of greece and its transformation into a giant camp.


your pathetic god won´t save you. 


That's what you said a year ago too but Greece s is still part of he EU and still part of the discussion, despite the proven incompetent government we elected. Greece is part of Europe and Europe wants Greece as part of the EU. It's just a matter of finding the right formula to make this work. Part of the formula of course is getting rid of the idiots elected in government and electing someone a bit better, or even better, hand over the keys to the EU and let them run the show instead of the incompetent Greek politicians.

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Guest PatrickT

That's what you said a year ago too but Greece s is still part of he EU and still part of the discussion, despite the proven incompetent government we elected. Greece is part of Europe and Europe wants Greece as part of the EU. It's just a matter of finding the right formula to make this work. Part of the formula of course is getting rid of the idiots elected in government and electing someone a bit better, or even better, hand over the keys to the EU and let them run the show instead of the incompetent Greek politicians.



You don´t get it, don´t you? I don´t know if its for genetical reasons or cultural ignorance. Of course you are part of the EU. As the dumping ground for this problem. Getting kicked out of Schengen does not mean you are kicked out of the EU. You just end as an open air prison. Your country finally gets a purpose and thats something positive. Greece finally can be good for something. It should make your people proud. 

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Exactly, and that's the point. They're clearly in their 20s and some in their 30s yet they all claim that they're 17-18 when they get ashore and the Greeks don't seem to care either way (and that's part of the problem) so they provide them with documents showing that they're underage. So when these people end up in Denmark, Sweden, Finland etc. they're holding documents showing that they're underage and they ask for the benefits underage refugees receive from these countries.



Greece violates her obligations to Shengen and risks being excluded. And it doesn't end there, the US is also considering to exclude Greece from the Visa waiver program. The issue is realy easy to resolve, Shengen has clearly defined  procedures and all Greece needs to do is comply with them. But they can't even do that. They choose, once again, to ignore the issue, bullshit around and do nothing even though they have been warned. If they were to acknowledge the problem review the implementation of the Shengen protocols, figure out where the process breaks down and put an oversight mechanism in place we wouldn't have this issue. But thats not going to happen cause those guys are beyond incompetent. They are outright retarded. 

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Το αρνητικό κλίμα για την Ελλάδα έχει δημιουργηθεί βασικά από τα πορίσματα έκθεσης ειδικών εμπειρογνωμόνων κρατών-μελών και εκπροσώπων της Κομισιόν, που επισκέφθηκαν αιφνιδιαστικά στις 10-13 Νοεμβρίου για επιτόπιους ελέγχους σταθμούς στα ελληνοτουρκικά χερσαία σύνορα, τη Χίο και τη Σάμο. Τότε ήταν που οι Ευρωπαίοι εκπρόσωποι είδαν τη χειρότερη πλευρά της ελληνικής ανοργανωσιάς όπως εξηγεί Ευρωπαίος αξιωματούχος. «Σε εκείνο το στάδιο η ελληνική κυβέρνηση δεν είχε ξεκινήσει να κάνει τίποτα», γι’ αυτό και το πόρισμα, το οποίο παραμένει απόρρητο, διαπιστώνει με σκληρά λόγια «σοβαρές ελλείψεις» και «σοβαρές υποχρεώσεις που παραμένουν παραμελημένες» σε ό,τι αφορά τη διενέργεια ελέγχων στα εξωτερικά σύνορα της χώρας.

Το πόρισμα αναφέρεται στην επιτήρηση των θαλάσσιων συνόρων αλλά κυρίως στην αδυναμία της ελληνικής πλευράς να ακολουθήσει την προβλεπόμενη διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης και καταγραφής παράτυπων μεταναστών. Για την τελευταία εκτιμά ότι δεν ακολουθείται η προβλεπόμενη διαδικασία, με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχει αυξημένος κίνδυνος ασφάλειας για τα υπόλοιπα κράτη-μέλη της Ε.Ε. Συγκεκριμένα, οι ειδικοί παρατήρησαν ότι τα ταξιδιωτικά έγγραφα δεν ελέγχονται συστηματικά για τη γνησιότητά τους ούτε αντιπαραβάλλονται με σημαντικές βάσεις δεδομένων ασφαλείας, όπως το SIS (σύστημα πληροφοριών Σένγκεν), η Ιντερπόλ και άλλες εθνικές βάσεις δεδομένων.

The part in bold is what the EU expects from the Greek authorities. If they don't comply we will be faced with the consequences:

Δεύτερη επιλογή να αποτύχει η εφαρμογή των υποδείξεων, η Ελλάδα να αποδειχθεί ανίκανη να προστατεύσει τα σύνορα της Ευρώπης και έτσι οι συνοριακοί έλεγχοι να επεκταθούν στις χώρες που ήδη τους έχουν αλλά και να επιτραπεί και σε άλλες να τους επιβάλουν σε καινούργια σημεία της Ε.Ε. και πολύ πιθανό να επιβληθούν και στην ίδια την Ελλάδα.

Those are the facts. But most Greeks think like eyo:

αλλα θα μου πείς μουνόπανο γεννήθηκες και μουνόπανο θα είσαι όπως πάντα


σαν παράδειγμα και μονο ... η ευρωπαϊκή ένωση ΔΕΝ έκλεισε τα σύνορα της με την ελλάδα ... το πγδμ τα έκλεισε , και αυτό μονο προσωρινά - ασε που το πγδμ δεν είναι καν μέλος της ευρωπαϊκής ένωσης - άσε που η ΕΕ δεν υποχρέωσε ούτε ζώρησε την πγδμ να κάνει οτιδήποτε - δηλαδή μετάφραση και ερμηνεία ...άσε.. να μην το πώ, γιατί είναι για γέλια


τι να περιμένει κανείς παρά μπουμπούκια προπαγανδιστικά αλά στασι απο αυτους που τρολάρουν



This is a typical example for Greek insanity: Ignore the problem, attack everyone who dares say there is a problem and all will be good.

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Guest eyoismos

όπως πάντα μαλακίζεσαι με την παραφρωσύνη σου


το σχόλιο μου που σύναψες ήταν για τις πάντα ύποπτες μεταφράσεις του γερμανικού μουνόπανου απο τις γερμανικές ιστοσελίδες  και οτι έχει αντζεντα καχύποπτη


δεν ειπα ΤΙΠΟΤΑ για το πρόβλημα  ..και επαναλαμβάνω ... μιλάμε για το σχόλιο .... διότι η παράλογη κουμουνοφασιστοαναρχικότητα σου τα έχει σακατέψει  την νοημωσύνη σου και σίγουρα θα βρείς τρόπο το μπλέξεις τα μπούτια σου πάλι και να συνταυτίσεις το σχόλιο με κάτι άλλο εξωφρενικό και άσχετο σε σχέση


άλλα όπως είπαμε .. η τσατσά αμέσως να υποστηρίξει την πόρνη του, μπάς και μας μεταπίσει για την αγνότητα της προβοκατορικής πουτάνας

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In your eagerness to uncover the "suspicious motives" of the poster you completely ignore the substance of the post. The tone or the intentions of the poster are absolutely irrelevant. The facts matter. So you may call me a troling whore all you want that doesn't change the fact that Greece is in danger of being excluded from Shengen due to non complience with Shengen regulations. Insulting me is not going to make this problem go away.


And besides you can not insult me no matter what you say. I'm a rational person and not an egotisitc nitwit who loses sight of the issue cause he can't look beyond his bloated ego.


So, Do you have anything to contribute besides personal insults? If not I'm just gonna ignore your bs posts.

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Guest eyoismos

Ό,τι λογής έργα σπείρεις , τέτοια και θα θερίσεις ... οπότε μην παραπονίέσαι και μην μας πουλάς για ορθολογισμούς και κουραφέξαλα


και το μουνόπανο παραμένει μουνόπανο δίότι σαν προβοκάτορας που είναι μπλέκει ´ασχτα ή μη σωστά με τα σωστά και δίκαια


και όπως πάντα η αλυσίδα είναι τόσο γερή όσο τους πιό αδύναμους κρίκους της ... και το μουνόπανο σάν πολλές μαλακίες λέει να τον πάρω σοβαρά σε οτιδήποτε ακριβώς διότι είναι άχρηστος σαν το μουνόπανο


και μιά και μιλάμε για το πγδμ ... κι το πόσο "παρωπιδικά" βλέπει το μουόπανο την κατάσταση .... νομίζεις οτι οι παράνομοι δεν ξέρουν οτι υπάρχει η αλβανία ..... σε ένα άρθρο που διάβασα, άρχισαν να χέζονται οι ιταλοί διότι σκεπτονται οτι ο δρόμος της απαγγελιάς για τους παράνομους θα αλλάξει διεύθυνση, κατεύθυνση και πορεια και θα τους έλθουν όλοι μέσω "Τίρανα" .... άς μην καν αναφέρουμε το εγω δεν ξέρω πόσοι απο δαύτους μπήκαν στην ευρώπη με ποδήλατα μέσω ρωσίας


δεν έχετε καταλάβει .. ειδικά και έσυ και το μουνόπανο, οτι ο κλέφτης θα βρεί την τρύπα για να μπεί στο σπίτι σου, και ο ηγεμών πατέρας "Γερμανία" ας τσουρίζει όσο θέλει για το ανώρημο κανικάρι της "Ελλάδα" που δεν προσέχει την πόρτα .. και ξεχνά οτι ο ίδιος τα γάμησε με τις ενέργειες του στο παρελθόν .... αλλά βέεεεεβαια .... η ελλάδα τους φταίει και δεν το χωνεύει με κανένα τρόπο οτι και αυτος έχει τεράστια ευθύνη με την κατάσταση που υπάρχει - μιλάμε "Και την πίτα θέλει γερή και το σκύλο χορτάτο"


και ύστερα σου λένε οτι η ελλάδα δεν ανήκει στην ευρώπη ..... όταν η ίδια η ευρώπη υποφέρει αφάνταστα με την ελληνική αρρώστια ... οτι οι άλλοι φταίνε


αμ δε .... όλοι στον ίδιο βούρκο βρίσκονται ´'οσο και αν συζητάμε


όσο πιό γρηγορα καταλάβουν όλοι οι ευρωπάιοι .... έ ... νά .... ας διαβάσουν λίγο αίσωπο ... και τα παιδιά του γεωργού που μάλωναν


διότι το εναλλακτικο  είναι να συνεχίζουν να πάιζουν το παιχνίδι το μουσουλανων και να αυτομαλακίζονται μέχρι βρουν την ηδονή του οργασμου που τόσο επιθυμούν ο κάθένας μονος του ξέχωρα απο τον άλλον

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Guest eyoismos

και μια που μιλάμε για μουσουλανους ... οι "ομόεθνοι" σου οι τούρκοι βρήκαν κι άλλη δικαιολογία για λίγο εκβιασμό ... τώρα αρχίζουν και απαιτούν οχι 3 δις να τους δώσει η ευρώπη αλλά 5 .... για να κρατούν τους ίδους τους νόμους της και τις διεθνές συμφωνίες στους


άσε που δεν δέχονται μετ ουδενί τροπο να πάρουν τους πράνομους πίσω που ήρθαν μέσω σμύρνης, και σαν παράδειγμα το αναφέρω, διότι δηθεν ειναι τουριστικό μέρος


συμπέρασμα ;


εδώ σε θέλω

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It's very hard for the Greeks to confirm people's ages, real names etc. when they land on the Aegean islands. Most of them come without papers, and those who do come with papers nobody can be 100% sure that these papers are real or fake.


If a refugee lands on an island and says he's 16 years old and his name is Abdul Rahim, how can the Greek people receiving these people refute this claim? I mean in some cases where it's clear that someone looks clearly middle aged they could refuse putting them down as 16 year olds, but the point here is that in most cases is next to impossible to verify each and everyone coming through, especially when you're overwhelmed with thousands of refugees coming daily.


If Greece is the easternmost border of Europe then EU needs to step up and help out with identifying all those thousands of refugees and immigrants crossing the Greek borders daily. They can't just let Greece, in the midst of her own troubles, deal with all this.

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It's very hard for the Greeks to confirm people's ages, real names etc. when they land on the Aegean islands. Most of them come without papers, and those who do come with papers nobody can be 100% sure that these papers are real or fake.


If a refugee lands on an island and says he's 16 years old and his name is Abdul Rahim, how can the Greek people receiving these people refute this claim? I mean in some cases where it's clear that someone looks clearly middle aged they could refuse putting them down as 16 year olds, but the point here is that in most cases is next to impossible to verify each and everyone coming through, especially when you're overwhelmed with thousands of refugees coming daily.


If Greece is the easternmost border of Europe then EU needs to step up and help out with identifying all those thousands of refugees and immigrants crossing the Greek borders daily. They can't just let Greece, in the midst of her own troubles, deal with all this.


And every body knows that. The thing Europeans have an issue with is the lack of registration. The Greek authorities fail to register the biometric data of refugees in the Shengen system as they are required to do and don't run any cross checks with Shengen datasources. And those are things they could do easily and thus defuse the bulk of the charges. Instead Greek authorities wave everybody through and once those refugees arrive in northern Europe the authorities there see that they haven't been biometricaly registered in Greece. That's what triggered last November's snap inspection.

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