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Δημοσιεύσεις Δημοσιεύθηκε από Brenda

  1. You're right Admin...what I've been seeing as light blue is actually light grey.  The link color (blue) is normal. Don't do anything unless there's an issue for others. I can always highlight text and it becomes clearer. (Also I'm due for new glasses in the summer :D )  Nice to see the Shoutbox function...that's something I'm very familiar with and sometimes it can be fun. Thanks for all the work you do to keep things running smoothly!

  2. Both, actually. On the main website the print seems very faint in a lot of cases. Here on the forum as well...I especially find the light blue print hard to read. But, as I said, if it's not bothering anyone else then it must be an issue with my eyes. Although, I don't have a problem with other websites and forums. Don't worry about it unless someone else says they're having trouble, too.


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