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Δημοσιεύσεις Δημοσιεύθηκε από Dino

  1. Patrick I don't care for you, or your opinions, this story was shared by a Greek page on Facebook "MyParea" today, and I shared it here, don't care what you think of it, my motives, and so on.


    I don't live in GREECE now, I did 20+ years ago, my father was Greek, my mother American, but my experiences in Greece, the culture, the philotimo, history, ... make me love the place and its people.


    Do I recognize problems with Greece, yes, I experienced many of the issues describbed in posts here in Greece. And just look at my posts, I dole out plenty of criticism about Greece. But you came here not with your grey opinions, you see things in black and white, where Greece has been placed purely in one color. So no I don't appreciate your one sided biased commentary.

  2. Ajax, simply because it is a story about GREEK Jews, that lived in GREECE, and were protected by their GREEK Christian neighbors. Just like the story about the Jews of Zakintho that I have also posted in the old site, where you also went on your anti semitic rant. No criticizing Israel, and Jews does not make one anti semetic, it is only when you have one sided biased opinions. If you want to have a conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, start a different post, but this is about GREEK Jew survival story. And the efforts of the children of the survivors to learn more about their mom and family's history.


    Funny how you both did not read it, but sure had to comment.

  3. We used to have a history section, I guess this could go into culture. ButI have posted articles here in the past about Greek-Jews, I had an aunt my grandparents adopted that was Jewish, so the topic always interest me.

    By the way this is a general discussion section, where we might talk about donations, dating advice (yes),  and it is not the first time I have posted on this topic in our forum, it predates you if that is what you are wondering.

  4. Tsipras and his party have completely failed on foreign policy, they are still behaving like a small opposition party, only that their opposition is to the EU governing bodies and members. Simply put they are incompetent, I was worried of them being PASOK of the 80s, I realized they are left of that eras PASOK, but hoped they would move closer to the center. Well they are worse, forget their political views for a second, it is their behavior that has been completely incompetent, their Statements sound like something my young teenager daughter would say. They have now openly in-front of  the public press blackmailed others.

  5. The only good thing about this is that eastern european nations like the baltics and poland openly call greece traitor nation now and block anything that could bring greece nearer a compromise.



    Well that is the problem, they were already doing so before Syriza even came into power. Greece was driven this direction.


    And by the way haven't Merkel and others from the EU held meetings with Putin? Greece is a sovereign nation, that has the right to meet with the Russian President. And not sure if you educated your self on the Cyprus invasion yet, but it is hypocritical from the EU nations and their press that go in panic when ever a Russian military plane that is flying near their territory but in international air space, yet Turkey violates Greek territory routinely and is occupying another nation, gets a free pass. 


    Again, I was not a fan of the visit to Russia, because of Ukraine and GEORGIA, which by the way, Germany one of Russia's biggest partners before and after the GEORGIAN invasion, so stop riding your moral high horse here.

    And Turkey because of its bullying, and Germany (and other NATO countries) playing both sides with its sales of military equipment, and bribes to get those sales are both partially responsible for this mess. Greece would not be spending so much every year on equipment. This military spending has always been a big concern of mine, because Greece being a nation of about 10M could never keep up with Turkey (70M) militarily in their budgets.


    My whole point is that your criticisms hold little weight because of your collective statements so far, and the hypocrisy behind them.

  6. Admin next time find a Charity that will take your stuff, I am assuming that in Canada you have similar charities to what we have here in the States. In the past I have used a veterans charity, salvation army and others to give furniture and other items away. But now days my donations of items (clothing, books, kid toys, bikes, ...) go to Goodwill, they have drop off locations where I fill up my car and drop off boxes and small furniture.


    When you simply put out an ad, you can have re-sellers or simply people that want to recycle and/or save money show up. In their eyes they are saving their family money or keeping your stuff from ending up in the landfill.

  7. Patrick we have the power, we laugh at the war preparations, ... your statements make me a stronger supporter of war reparations, the only issue I ever had with reparations, is that current German taxpayers would have to pay for it, and I feel bad for them to have to pay for past sins, but it is clear from your language, that the lessons of history did not take with you and others, just keep saying we have the power, just like an occupier, a financial occupier, and now I see more of a need for war reparations.

  8. Patrick thanks for the optimistic assessment, truly what are you doing here on this forum but trolling? 


    And you reparations anger is hypocritical. As I stated before, Greece got bailed out to save the EU banks, more than save Greece.


    Greece has been treated with disrespect and with punitive actions, and Germany out of all the big EU nations has been the worse in the Greek treatment. Greece forgave Germany for all its done during WWII, yet Germany and you make all kinds of ignorant statements and generalizations about Greece and Greeks, so what did you expect. The austerity did not work, things got bad on a hurry, and your government is asking for more pension cuts, more austerity. The Greek debt to GDP ratio went from 120s to high 170s, not because the debt increased, but because the GDP went down. Austerity failed! Yet Germany is asking for more austerity and seems unwilling to compromise, so Greece brought out the nuclear option, WWII reparations. 

    I have major reservations about the current Greek government, but I still want them to do well for the Greek people, but you just reek hate and ignorance.


    I started this post because I wanted to talk about Greece - Russia, but your posts are more in your face Greece! Glad you got nothing from Russia, China,..!, You will fail!... With statements like that, yes you are a troll.


    So honestly I am having a hard time taking you seriously moving forward.

  9. The sanctions will not end since germany, france and UK demand them. And we will not allow greece to weaken it. Greece may have no problem with a war against ukraine, shooting down of civilian airliners. But we have.

    Patrick, Cyprus is occupied right now remind me what Germany is saying or doing about it?

    This is daily news in Greece http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite1_1_08/04/2015_548956

    Remind me what Germany has said or done about this. while I and other Greeks here have a right to expect better on this from Greece, not sure if you or Germany does, in fact Germany loves the Greece's problems with Turkey, because Germany gets to sell tanks, submarines and other multi-billion Euro sales. So don't try to ride your high horse over here.




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