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Οτιδήποτε δημοσιεύτηκε από Dino

  1. Hey Ajax I heard that Texas is getting invaded by our my government's special forces We are coming to take your guns away, and convert you all to the Muslim religion. While we are at it we will steal all your barbecue, lol . Yes there are smart people, and idiots in every country, just like there are good people and bad people in every country. Patrick as I said in past posts, Greece needed lots of change, I argued with plenty of leftists (left of me) here back in 2009 and 2010. The Greek political system, culture, .... needed changes. Some of those changes were made, some in small dosages, some noticeable, and many more changes are needed. However, the austerity only solution has not worked, it failed. Germany and Germans have been the strongest (not only ones) to demand Greece take strong austerity measures. If austerity pressure by Germany was the only action taken, things may have turned out OK, however the Germans did not stop there, from the beginning there were insults thrown at Greece (kick them while they are down). And there was little acknowledgment about hey maybe we should bare some responsibility for the bad loans, for lobbying Greece to buy more, and more weapons because of their bad bullying neighbor every time they met with Greece, no acknowledgement that maybe if you have German firms paying millions of bribes to get billion euro sales completed that maybe Germans also have some changes to make. So you have people in glass houses throwing stones. Both of my brothers own German soccer jerseys, my father used to love and travel to Germany as a young male, both of my brothers own German Soccer jerseys. Greeks for the most part loved Germany when I lived there in the 80s, no-one seemed to still hold a grudge over all the deaths, damage, looting, ... of WWII. But when taking bad loans seems to be unforgivable, and a ticket to insult Greece, what do you expect? On one side you have bad borrowers, and punitive austerity program, insults, exaggerations, ... On the other hand you have a nation that had forgave murders, starvation, occupation..., it was the austerity and attitudes like yours that opened up those healed wounds and poured salt on them. When you are all about punishing that borrower, maybe that borrower that suffered so much under an occupation would want to revisit that occupation, and ask for reparations. But you seem to fail to recognize that. I was completely against the reparations 2+ years ago, but it is your attitude and that of others that has me rethinking it.
  2. http://canada.greekreporter.com/2015/05/06/greek-canadian-leo-housakos-appointed-as-senate-speaker/
  3. Northern Cyprus demands respect from Turkeyhttp://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/04/turkey-greece-cypriot-baby-grow-up.html
  4. I can keep up with you guys, lol This has been taken so off topic. I just got one comment, Patrick you are the best looking Turk I have ever seen . But seriously, I do not think you understand what a Turk is, the great majority of Turks are descendants of Slavs, Greeks, Armenians, Arabs, Albanian, Kurds, .... people whose ancestors were under occupation and converted to the Muslim religion for significantly better treatment under the ottoman empire. So I have made Green eyed Turkish friend here in Chicago region, and a Turkish doctor I used to work with that probably looks with what people stereotype Turks as looking. With that said, being told that you look like a Turk and getting offended is a joke, it is what you think you are that is more important.
  5. Dino


    Admin I find lots of ignorance by the average Joe about homelessness. Yes there are those in life that want little to no responsibility, but than there are those with mental health or other health issues, that simply went homeless from the medical bills. There are those that escaped bad family situations. And there are many homeless people that got back on their feet and became very successful people. Will try to read the article later tonight.
  6. Ajax your participation in this forum, puzzles me. You speak as if you have little love or respect for Greece, but I think you do. You seem well read, but you say some crazy stuff, like what you said about the Macedonian issue. Now you have touched upon before about your family being from Minor Asia or Pontus, and that the treatment (almost 100 years ago) of the Pontic Greek was not the best, I agree Greeks did not treat the Pontic Greeks well enough or other minorities over time, but your post come out as almost hateful about Greece and Greeks. Criticism is one thing, suggestions is one thing, your posts seem to be extreme to say the least. You seem to have a hard time recognizing that in life non scientific things are not always black and white, there is a gray areas, were there are multiple facts, factors, opinions ... Or maybe it is all just part of your Greek debate loving nature, wanting to strongly debate the opposite view.
  7. Eyoismos, now I plan to watch the movie only out of curiosity, I hate historical movies that are based on bull, but i want to watch my self to know how accurate or off it is.
  8. Yes it does, not as much as a Soccer or Basketball championship, but it does
  9. Plus the food is better in the smaller towns, try to eat where the locals do. In Sparti I would guess you would get better food than in Athens.
  10. A Greek team fan (Olympiakos, PAO, PAOK, ...), and a basketball fan Glad we have a team in the final 4 again, and they beat a good team to get there, I hope I will have some time to watch the games.
  11. I am getting a very small glimmer of hope, let see how things develop. Obviously historically all hope I had has been squashed quickly, but you can always hope and they have to keep trying at solving this. Anastasiades says Akinci win raises hopes for reunification http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite1_1_27/04/2015_549478
  12. Erdogan raps new Turkish Cypriot leader http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite1_1_27/04/2015_549497
  13. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/greek-turkish-cypriot-le/1812476.html
  14. Dino

    i am taking a break

    thanks all
  15. Dino

    i am taking a break

    Guys thanks for all the well wishes! Here is an update, Mom moved to a rehab facility 2 days ago. She turned out to have multiple strokes, to different parts of the brain, but considering all the damage to the brain, she did well. She has her speech, most of her vision, no paralysis, just a lost of balance, so walking will be hard, and a part of her brain that worked with her stomach got damaged, so she will have stomach cramps and nausea for some time. But overall she fared better than expected. I will be in and out at this site for the near future, I won't post as much, because it will be hard for me to respond.
  16. Came here to let some of you that know me for years now that I might be taking a break from this place. My mom had a stroke recently, and have some work stuff to deal with, so this place will have to take a back seat. Talk to you in the near future.
  17. Good for Germany, wish my next US president gets the courage to do the right thing!
  18. Dino

    An old Holocaust secret newly told

    Eyoismos, I am glad for your two sense here. If you read the article it was mostly about the survivors, their families, Greece, Israel, and much less little to do with Germany. Yet some got all tied up in knots like the priest in your story.
  19. Dino

    An old Holocaust secret newly told

    Dude I told you what this is about, you either read the article, or you didn't, at this point you can make this all you want about you, it's not, I suggest you read it and comment about it, otherwise you are just trolling.
  20. Dino

    An old Holocaust secret newly told

    Patrick yes Syriza, their junior partner have some jew hatters in it. And the Golden Dawn party is full of hate. Patrick this post is not about you, you are passing through this place, it is not blackmail, it is about history, the human spirit, it is a story that made me feel good, about 100 residents risking their own lives for someone else. Again Facebook a place full of trolls, had nothing but positive comments about this story, here I got the 2 most hateful people on this site to comment on this.
  21. Dino

    An old Holocaust secret newly told

    Ajax you are an anti Jew, anti Immigrant, anti Greek, who just happens to be a Greek immigrant. Someone that has allowed either personal experiences or one sided readings to make you see things in black and white.
  22. Dino

    Lack of fuel leaves Greek military helpless

    The Soviet Union failed partially because it just couldn't keep up with the American military spending. I have brought up the Greek military spending in other posts just for this reason.
  23. http://www.newsweek.com/lack-fuel-leaves-greek-military-helpless-face-turkish-aggression-322287.html


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