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Οτιδήποτε δημοσιεύτηκε από Jen

  1. Jen

    Is Greece close to Grexit?

    Misfortune? You should be proud
  2. Jen

    Is Greece close to Grexit?

    Ajaxmonkey, Are you Greek?
  3. Jen

    Is Greece close to Grexit?

    The Greek people have spoken NO - ΟΧΙ - NEIN
  4. Jen

    Is Greece close to Grexit?

    Whatever happens during the coming week, the Greek government has fought until the last minute to defend democratic values and the rights of all european citizens. I am very proud to be Greek
  5. Jen


    Didnt China perform nuclear test in 1992?
  6. Jen

    Varoufakis' great game

    Can you slap him and see if it makes a difference
  7. Jen

    Is Greece close to Grexit?

    I think the time has come to rip the bandaid off Do it quick
  8. Jen

    New site design - νέο design

    Yes its me What happened to all my Greek recipes? And why am i a new member?


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