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Δημοσιεύσεις Δημοσιεύθηκε από Jen

  1. A classic Greek-style rice pudding is lightened with milk and a splash of fragrant rosewater









    • 1L (4 cups) light milk, plus 1 tablespoon extra
    • 1/2 cup (110g) SunRice Arborio Risotto Rice
    • 2 tablespoons caster sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 teaspoon rosewater (see Notes)
    • 1 teaspoon cornflour
    • 1/2 cup low-joule strawberry jam, warmed








    Place milk and rice in a saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until it comes to just below boiling point. Reduce the heat to low and gently cook, stirring occasionally, for 30-40 minutes until the rice is tender.


    Add the sugar, vanilla extract and rosewater to the rice, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Mix cornflour with the extra 1 tablespoon milk to form a smooth paste, then add to the rice and stir over low heat for 1-2 minutes until thickened.



    Divide the rice pudding among bowls, then serve immediately, drizzled with warm strawberry jam.





  2. well ... a perfect opportunity for them to lighten up


    picture this ..... xmas day lunch ...  the whole family ... all 300 nicks and nikis and a couple of gus's here and there, and the grandparents rock up, with t-shirts, or maybe appropriate cooking aprons, only for grandpa souvla specialist apron, its  saying "boss" and "real boss" (which you begged and pleaded them to do.... recruiting the grandkids to achieve this, of course)


    maybe even  ....




    they would be the toast of the family and everybody will think they rock ...



    i have those lol

  3.  here is a thought .....




    what you thought i was joking?




    but a tablet to get one stoned would do as well


    they would probably like the idea of being stoned lol


    poor darlings are always complaining about bits that hurt 


    my grandpa thinks marijuana should be legal...unfortunately he will smoke anything lol


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