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Δημοσιεύσεις Δημοσιεύθηκε από Lekatis

  1. Do you really want to talk new jobs? Unemployment rates is a manufactured rate to make a regime look good at a time of elections. The actual unemployment rate in the United States is more closer to 20%. Anyone who stopped looking for work because nothing was available in his field or could not get anything worth his/her time, was dropped from the count. Anybody who's unemployment benefits ran out, guess what, was also dropped from the count. If you took, out of desperation a minimum wage job just to be able to buy a loaf  of bread while you moved back with parents/ relatives, you are also not counted. If you really want to get into rates of unemployment of black and brown youth, those are astronomical. They resemble rates seen in Spain or even our beloved Greece. Remember, if you graduate from school and can't find work, you are not yet counted as unemployed!


    I have a child that graduated 5 years ago with a geology degree. In the years since he has worked in his field  a grand total of 1.5 months. The rest of the time he has been waiting tables in one restaurant or another, or selling cars at a dealership. I don't call that employment, at least not for a college graduate.


    Trumps promise was that he will bring back jobs, jobs that were exported for cheaper labor. Manufacturers would produce something for pennies outside the US and bring it back and sell it at the same price as when it was made here. That's pure greed and profiteering. I get that tariffs would increase prices, but If I'm working at a decent salary, I can afford to buy, I could be making those things here again.


    You are talking about where the money will come from to do what he promised. When TARP was implemented (the giveaway of cold hard cash to the banksters), where did it come from? I will tell you. It was done by a mechanism called "Quantitative Easing" which is nothing more than PRINTING MONEY!!!! Money would magically appear and be given away for free to the banksters; trillions and trillions of it. Did that hurt the value of the Dollar? No, not really, because everyone else was doing the same thing and their currency was devalued at the same rate, so it all equalized. There is your cash for the jobs projects. Only difference, this time the people will benefit instead of the unanswerable criminals in Wall Street. 

  2. Don't get me started with Obama. A little bit of a background; I became citizen and voted democratic (registered democratic also) since Jimmy carter. I have on occasion cast a supporting vote for a local Republican candidate, but never a presidential. I voted Obama, the first time, and after the obstructionist stance of the Republicans I gave him a pass for not doing what he pledged he'd do and voted for him a second time in the previous election. 


    Came to realize, he was a total fraud. His was really a Trojan Horse that the elites planted in the election process, in order to move on with their agendas. His entire cabinet was selected and appointed by Citigroup as soon he got elected. 90% of his policies were big business giveaways. Look at TARP a 3 Trillion giveaway to the banks, Obamacare another giveaway to the insurance industry, Nuclear arsenal and weapons upgrades, a giveaway to the Military Industrial Complex; All his masters that will (I predict) take care of him when he's out of office, as they did the Clintons, the first ex president to become a Billionaire after leaving office. 


    What did he really do for the common man? He really created no new jobs; At least nothing anyone can make a living and support a family on. With all those Trillions he gave to the banks, why couldn't  he say, forgive some of the oppressing debt people are under and can't pay because of this stagnant economy? He didn't. He just let the banks pocket it all.


    Whet it came out that the entire Democratic machine was conspiring to undermine Sanders' candidacy, (which I already knew before Wikileaks exposed it with proof) my mind was made up. To hell with the politicians. I want someone who does not care about politics. I want change, and the kind that Obama promised and did not deliver.


    I have to say, Wednesday morning around 3:00 AM felt as good or better as it did 8 years ago when we picked Obama, before we knew what a fraud he was. I just pray for our sake, Trump will not be as huge a disappointment as him. 

  3. For those not familiar with "Obamacare" it was a legislation written entirely by hospital, medical associations and the pharmaceutical lobby. It was to entice the uninsured to sign up, get them used to paying for their healthcare, and then hit them over the head with the crazy rate increases. The latest, was reported to have increases for an average of 25%, but many localities were hit with a 100% increse. Do you want to sign up for that? get in line! Oh, I forgot, there is no line for that. You will be the first and only one for that!!!!

  4. Let me tell you one thing. as an American of Hellenic descent, I may be considered white male, but that is NOT why I VOTED TRUMP. As previously mentioned by others, prior administrations, cared about global issues leaving domestic issues fester. Children going hungry, homeless dying on the streets, infrastructure crumbling, while spending billions in international "adventures" of their own creation. They would demonize a situation or a leader by using their lapdog press, and use this information as a pretext for interventions.


    We heard that story many times and we have waken up. Time to let a NON politician give it a try. He said all the right things, and the people believed. I just hope it was not a siren song.

    I have listened to him talk for 10 to 15 years prior, and found him to be genuine and honest. He speaks his mind, regardless the consequences.


    Most politicians ar from poor backgrounds and have to consider ther after the politicking lives, which makes them vulnerable to being bought. He is a billionaire. You can't buy buy him for a few miserly millions. 

  5. :D  :)  :rolleyes:



    Υπέρ-υπέρ ευχαριστώ, HappyAsHellas, για τη χρήσιμη πληροφορία σου. Τουλάχιστο στη δική μου περιοχή στην Αμερικανική ήπειρο, η ιστοσελίδα λειτουργεί στην εντέλεια. Βλέπω ότι μεταδίδει ιστιακό σήμα. Ευχαριστώ και πάλι.

  6. :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:


    It's amazing how ignorant people are ready to smear a modern day hero, such as Mr. Varoufakis. He single-handedly stood up to the "money centers"  and the Fascists running Europe these days. He was Leonidas without his "300", that is the rest of the downtrodden Europeans like Spain, Portugal, Ireland and even Italy. They chickened out and, like cowards, left him to "hang and dry".


    IMF and UCB, if not the rest of the London and NY money centers, made Greece their grand experiment. They wanted to see how much the populous will tolerate before they blow up the whole system. And as we see the experiment is still on, and the Greeks try to resist without any support.


    A good source for accurate information is a site by professor Richard D. Wolff, a professor of economics in the CUNY system, which is City University of New York. He tackles  many of today's economic ills, and has, in multiple occasions, commented on the Greek/Varoufakis issue. All who care to know the facts should look in his archives to find out the truth. He is at  http://www.rdwolff.com/


    I hope this will open the eyes of those who are spoon-fed the official IMF/German/UCB propaganda and don't care to look for the facts!!!!!!!!!!!! 


    PS.  Professor Wolff would enlighten all in many other economic issues that effect us on our daily lives. Feel free to follow him for more than just the "Greek problem" 

  7. Yes, you can buy them at a supermarket, see Walmart for example: http://www.walmart.com/browse/sports-outdoors/firearms/4125_546956_1107532_1225336/?_refineresult=true&povid=cat1107532-env538992-moduleB082813-lLinkFC1Firearms. Go grab a few, along with plenty of ammunition to kill hundreds....legally.


    You're also wrong about the use of illegal weapons. Most murders in the US are committed with guns purchased legally.


    If you're committing a crime holding a gun it's thousands of times more likely to shoot and kill someone who comes to stop you, as opposed to committing this same crime without a gun. No need to look at the stats about this, think about this logically.

    Touche! Some Wallmarts have grocery departments in them, thereby, "You can (technically) buy guns at the supermarket" but you can't get the in the grocery aisle. 


    Being that I consider Wallmart an EVIL company I never shop there, I was not aware of that option. Regardless, stores that sell weapons, have to, by law, check the prospective buyer's background. You can't just walk in a pick up a few guns or ammo without those checks. Those with ill intent will always, no matter where, find the means to arm themselves. The San Bernardino shooters got them from a neighbor. The French shooters some illegal avenue, bypassing prohibitions of the French authorities, because that was their will.


    Making possession of firearms hard to accomplice, will only stop those who obey the law and those people no one needs to fear. The question is how do you stop those who don't care about the law? You cannot, so stopping law abiding citizens from possessing guns will have ZERO effect on what you want to accomplice.


    Remember the old saying: "If you criminalize possession of guns, only criminals will possess guns". Let's talk about self defense then...



    In the US around 70% of all homicides were conducted using a firearm (this is a staggering statistic...). This is because having a firearm is legal and anyone can purchase one legally (and with great ease...) at their local supermarket. 


    Would removing the guns of the equation in the US drop the homicide rate by 70%? Possibly not, but it will most likely drop it significantly. It's much easier to kill someone using a firearm than using your fists.

    Really??? Buy guns in the supermarket??? Where's that so that I can go get some? I hope you're not from the US to spew such inaccuracies. 


    Those with ill intent will find a way to commit it, no matter what laws and obstacles we put in their way. Most criminals use illegal weapons to commit their crimes.


    Also, has anyone yet studied the connection between psychological conditions treated by psychotropic drugs and propensity to suicide and/or homicide?  It has been suggested that people on psychotropic medications are prone to kill themselves and if they have no regard for their own life why would they hesitate taking someone else's. Pharmaceutical companies are aware of the connection and, so far, have been successful in squashing any study on the subject as this will make them liable for those crimes.

  9. Αρχικά στο τραγούδι "Να 'τανε το '21" στη τελευταία στροφή που ο Νταλάρας, στη πιο "διδεδομενη" εκδοχή του τραγουδιού λέει "και να κρατάω τοις νύχτες με τ' άστρα μια ομορφούλα αγκαλιά" έλεγε "Μια Τουρκοπούλα αγκαλιά" και η λογοκρισία επέβαλε την αλλαγή. Μήπως κάποιος έχει την αρχική μορφή το τραγουδιού να το βάλει στο youtube;


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