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Guest eyoismos

my wife made skordalia today ....

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Guest eyoismos

singular : skordo plural : skorda  ("d" pronounced like a hard "th" as is "this" but i wrote it with "d" because of convention)
skordalia is ...well... lets wiki it for a half decent description

Skordalia or skordhalia/skorthalia (σκορδαλιά [skorðaˈʎa]; in Greek also called αλιάδα 'aliada/aliatha) is a thick puree (or sauce, dip, spread, etc.) in Greek cuisine made by combining crushed garlic with a bulky base—which may be a purée of potatoes,[1] walnuts, almonds, or liquid-soaked stale bread—and then beating in olive oil to make a smooth emulsion. Vinegar is often added.

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Guest eyoismos

made the biggest mistake of my life today


bought my wife the Rolls Royce of kitchen appliances ... a kenwood chef


omg ! its like i left a child unrestricted access to a candy store


thats just gotta cost me a shit load more kilos on my bod


and the worse part .... she hadn't  used it yet, as was already nagging the bejesus out of me for  more and more attachments


fuuuuuuuckkkkkk !!!!!

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Guest eyoismos

the only recipe i have is real simple


take one hot babe, like mrs eyo

let her loose into the kitchen

pay through you nose for all her whims


voila .... skordalia . and that for starters




but seriously. not sure how she makes it. but i have observed, on those rare occasions she allows me into the kitchen, mash potatoes, shitload of garlic, bread, olive oil, lemons ..... and by that time, the aroma has me  salivating like banshee on crack, "placing" myself desperately at the table and waiting lecherously like porn star on heat




i am sure a basic search on the net will reward you with a whole lot of recipes to die for

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Garlic, olive oil, and salt are the constants in all Greek Skordalia recipes, but the base can be made with dried bread, boiled potatoes.  Almonds, pine nuts or walnuts, may all be used as the base. Fresh lemon juice is also used to help balance the flavours

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