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Guest PatrickT

solving the refugee crisis

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Guest eyoismos


O υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Δανίας, Κρίστιαν Γιένσεν, ο οποίος πραγματοποιεί επίσημη επίσκεψη στην Ουάσιγκτον, επιτέθηκε εναντίον της καγκελαρίου της Γερμανίας, Άγκελα Μέρκελ, για τον τρόπο που χειρίζεται την προσφυγική κρίση στην Ευρώπη τους τελευταίους μήνες.

Ο Γιένσεν εξαπέλυσε «βέλη» τόσο για την πολιτική υποδοχής από το Βερολίνο περισσότερων ενός εκατομμυρίου και πλέον προσφύγων και μεταναστών, όσο και για τον κεντρικό ρόλο που διαδραμάτισε προσωπικά η Μέρκελ στην καταρχήν συμφωνία στις αρχές της εβδομάδας μεταξύ της ΕΕ και της Τουρκίας.

«Η Μέρκελ αιφνιδιάστηκε από τον αριθμό των προσφύγων που εισήλθαν στη Γερμανία (...). Πιστεύω ότι στην αρχή δεν είχε προβλέψει το εύρος του προβλήματος» τόνισε ο Γιένσεν σε μια ομιλία που εκφώνησε σε ένα κέντρο μελετών στην Ουάσιγκτον.

Ο Δανός υπουργός αναφέρθηκε με σκωπτική διάθεση στο γεγονός ότι η Άγκελα Μέρκελ «κατηγορήθηκε ότι έστειλε προσκλήσεις στους πρόσφυγες σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο: "ελάτε στη Γερμανία, είστε καλοδεχούμενοι, εμείς σας διαθέτουμε στέγη κι εργασία"», προτού διαφοροποιήσει την θέση της και επιχειρήσει «να διευθετήσει, με καθυστέρηση, το πρόβλημα» σύμφωνα με τον ίδιο.

«Αφού έκανε πάρα πολύ λίγα και τα έκανε πάρα πολύ αργά, αναλαμβάνει τώρα τις ευθύνες της και πιστεύω ότι κάνει μια τεράστια και καλή δουλειά» πρόσθεσε ο υπουργός.

Ωστόσο, η επικεφαλής της γερμανικής κυβέρνησης «πρέπει ενδεχομένως να θυμάται να ενημερώνει και να ακούει διότι όσο ισχυρή και μεγάλη κι αν είναι, η Γερμανία δεν μπορεί να αποφασίζει για τους υπόλοιπους 27» της ΕΕ.

Η Άγκελα Μέρκελ, άλλωστε, «αναλαμβάνει πραγματικά τις ευθύνες της, ωστόσο ενδεχομένως ίσως λίγο περισσότερο» είπε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Δανίας.

Ο Γιένσεν συναντήθηκε με τον Αμερικανό ομόλογό του Τζον Κέρι, ο οποίος επιβεβαίωσε ότι οι ΗΠΑ «έχουν πλήρη επίγνωση του βάθους της κρίσης σχετικά με τις προσφυγικές ροές» στην Ευρώπη.



και ύστερα οι υστερικοί λένε για άλλους για προσκλήσεις


αλλα οπως εχω πει αρκετες φορες .... ΟΥΔΕΙΣ αναμάρτητος, ειδικά η ευρώπη

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Guest FriendofGreece

so i can understand why you sometimes have this anti-hellenic thing that  constantly reverberates in your mind


the athenian-spartan animosity mentality seems alive and well in todays society much to my enormous annoyance


no wonder greeks just cant seem to unite, and constantly live for noddy point scoring, instead of finding solutions as a  group - and i am not talking about soccer only of course - aka greek politicians should ALL be tarred and feathered, because they love to take advantage of this sickeness, they feed off it often in a frenzy, and zero drive to unite us all .... amazingly enough ... just like in soccer. THUS the mess we are all in.


its not syriza, its not ND, its not pasok .... its all of them that have to be hung at high noon


It is unfortunate that Greeks cannot, are not able to, unite themselves for the good of their country and people. 

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So here we go Eyo. You are a Tsipras apologists and nothing more.


All you do is finding creative ways to justify the inaction and incompetence of this government. Granted, we never had a competent and proactive govrnment in Greece. Nevertheless, under Tsipras the incompetence and unwillingness to step up to the plate has reached epic proportions. You and the rest of you Gypsy 3rd worlder comrades will of course continue to bullshit around cause this is far more convenient and easy to do than taking ownership of our problems and thus of our country. With this mentality there is no future for Greece.


We refuse to take ownership of the mess our economy is in and reform it. As a result others step in and dictate reforms as they see fit.

We refuse to take controll of our borders so others step in and exercise controll as it suits their interest.


You are nothing more then audience. Auplauding your Hero Tsipras while he is not even in the field where the action is. But then again, as an Olympiakos, or Greek soccer fan in general, you are used to cheering on some lame jokers who don't know front from back.


As far as the Humanitarian side is concerned: I'm not a Humanitarian. Don't give a shit about people I have nothing to do with. They can drop dead anyway they like. As long as they do it far away from my lawn and I don't have to deal with rotting cadavers that is.

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Guest eyoismos

......Tsipras apologists ........ finding creative ways to justify ....... and the rest of you Gypsy 3rd worlder comrades .....

...... Auplauding your Hero Tsipras .....  blah blah blah


all part of the same golden dawn/syriza/kke playbook


first you fart anything out of thin air, that might be convenient

punt it to death as if its true

get followers to believe its true, including ones self

do one's damnest to force-fit a square peg in a round hole no matter what .... by chirping  like above


i am not surprised


by the way ... if i am not mistaken, you are from thessaloniki, right?

because you remind me awfully of some select few paok fans .... go all ape crazy violent and blaming everything on the convenient scapegoat when playing across olympiakos, (read syriza here, and i'm only using an analogy) but kinda accept when losing to lesser teams while huffing and puffing and generally being upset, which is understandable,  and on the odd occasion complaining like a bitch on heat.but when olympiakos is involved, they go batshit crazy and defy any reasoning or logic ..and in your case ...syriza, which probably explains you constant tirades about supposedly ...well... you know ...the above


which is not to say that olympiakos or pao or any other team didnt have  to contend with "Supporters" as well as true supporters in their history


politics in greece is no different

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Guest PatrickT

The boarder fence at macedonia cut the line and closed the balkan.

The goal is to create a misery at the boarder far greater than they have in turkey. If you shift the living conditions so hard against them, they will prefer turkey over EU. And we have a warrior acting at Idomeni who is far more cruel as ISIS could ever be - nature. The cold, the mud, the rain makes them retreat.

Its simple math. They are poor but dry in turkish camps. In ours they are poor but sit in water and mud.

Foreign minister Kurz from austria said the pictures are exactly what we need. Pure misery






And just as we speak the effects kick in. What we see is the reverse thrust kicking in. They lost all hope. Nature broke their will. Thousands retreated today and leave already...

Migrants reluctantly beginning to leave Idomeni for Athens - Το Βήμα Online

Best aspect is that the man who planned and performed this, Austrias foreign minister Kurz is the youngest foreign minister worldwide. He is just 27 and so roughly my age:

He shows that we are plaqued by old people in politics and it needs people like us to solve problems with new unorthodox ideas. 
He said in an interview that the pictures are hard to endure but thats exactly what we need. The more miserable, the more cruel. The better for evryone. Also betetr for the refugees who will not risk their life anymore.

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The Syriza government has committed a crime against the refugees and also against the Greek people. A crime against humanity. What we're watching happening during the last few months on all fronts is a result of poor handling of things in several key areas by a government made up of idiots and opportunists. 


I confess that I did support the Syriza party last year and I hoped that they'd get into power in the hopes that we'd see something different in the way Greece is run. Doing a bit of a review of what happened since Syriza came to power I realize that they did do many things differently. Only thing is that all those things they did "differently" they made the situation much much worse. They've screwed up everything, from the economy, to immigration/refugees, to sports to everything they touched. It's unbelievable how a group of clueless opportunists destroyed whatever was left standing in Greece within a few months.

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Guest PatrickT

Admin, I don't think anyone admires Tsipras here but "a crime against the refugees"? How so? What do you think Tsipras should have done about the refugees and what should he do now?


Tsipras used the refugees as pawn. He allowed them in. A nation like greece is unable to protect its boarders but Macedonia can do it? Tsipras made a bet. refugees for money. he believed he gets concessions. He lost his bet...like he lost evry bet he made. 

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Guest eyoismos

ένα έχω καταλάβει απο πολύ καιρό για το μουνόπανο ..... σε αντίθεση με τις προσωπικές του πεποιθήσεις, ο αιώνιος αυνανισμός του, ενώ φοράει παρωπίδες, δεν δυναμώνει την φαιά ουσία ανάμεσα στα αυτιά του, ... αν υπάρχει δηλαδή

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Guest eyoismos

Τρία εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι στην Τουρκία περιμένουν να έρθουν στα ελληνικά νησιά! Η κυνική ομολογία της τουρκικής μαφίας κι ο τιμοκατάλογος


- Σοκαριστικό δημοσίευμα της τουρκικής Χουριέτ για τους χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες που συνωστίζονται στη τουρκική χερσόνησο της Ερυθραίας, απέναντι από τη Χίο

- Ψάχνουν τρόπο αγωνιωδώς να περάσουν στα ελληνικά νησιά

- Σύμφωνα με την τουρκική εφημερίδα, ο αριθμός των καταγεγραμμένων Σύρων σε όλη την Τουρκία ανέρχεται στα 2.587.000 και μαζί με τους Αφγανούς, Ιρακινούς και Πακιστανούς ο αριθμός αυτός φτάνει τα τρία εκατομμύρια!

- Τον Δεκέμβριο οι διακινητές έλεγαν πως παίζουν με τις ζωές ανθρώπινων ψυχών με την ανοχή της τουρκικής κυβέρνησης!

- Στην κορυφή της ιεραρχίας η τουρκική μαφία που κάνει πλέον... εκπτώσεις στον τιμοκατάλογο του θανάτου!


Την ώρα που Ευρώπη και Τουρκία... ψάχνουν ακόμη την λύση με συνεχείς... Συνόδους Κορυφής, η κατάσταση που επικρατεί στα παράλια της Τουρκίας παίρνει δραματικές διαστάσεις. Η τουρκική Χουριέτ κάνει λόγο για περίπου τρία εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους που περιμένουν να περάσουν στην Ελλάδα. Στην Ελλάδα που σύμφωνα με το υπουργείο Μεταναστευτικής Πολιτικής, σήμερα 13 Μαρτίου, στην Ελλάδα βρίσκονται 44.035 πρόσφυγες.


Οι περισσότεροι από τους ανθρώπους που περιμένουν στην Τουρκία είναι οι Σύροι, που συνωστίζονται στα παλιά σπίτια της συνοικίας του Μπασμανέ. Πολλοί και οι μετανάστες, Αφγανοί και Πακιστανοί οι περισσότεροι, που ζουν στα παράλια του Τσεσμέ, αυτοί σε παλιά εγκαταλειμμένα συγκροτήματα εξοχικών κατοικιών και ξενοδοχεία. Όλοι τους περιμένουν τη στιγμή που ο μεταφορέας θα τους ανάψει το πράσινο φως της μετακίνησής τους στα ελληνικά νησιά.


Με το βλέμμα στη Γερμανία

 Όλοι ξέρουν πως μετά το πέρασμα ο δρόμος για τη Γερμανία είναι ανοικτός. Κι η Γερμανία για αυτούς τους ανθρώπους είναι κάτι σαν τον παράδεισο των μουσουλμάνων με τα ουρί. Παράδεισος με επίδομα 1.000 ευρώ ο καθένας, ακόμα και για κάθε νεογέννητο παιδί... Και... σπίτι δωρεάν, και άλλα πολλά που έντεχνα οι μεταφορείς τούς λένε πως θα βρουν αμέσως μετά το πέρασμα, σε μια διαδικασία λίγων μόλις ημερών μέχρι να πάνε στη Γερμανία. Μια μέρα στη Χίο ή στη Μυτιλήνη, άλλο λίγο, μια δυο μέρες στην Αθήνα και μετά πέρασμα με τραίνο στη Γερμανία...


Σαν τους δείχνεις στο κινητό φωτογραφίες από την κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα ή στην Ειδομένη απαντάνε πως όχι δεν είναι έτσι. Σε βλέπουν και περίεργα. Αυτούς, ο άνθρωπος τους, ο μεταφορέας που εμπιστεύονται και είναι εξαρτημένοι από αυτόν, τους είπε πως όλα είναι εύκολα μετά το ταξίδι. Εξάλλου τόσα λεφτά έχουν δώσει ήδη...


Ο μεταφορέας των προσφύγων, Τούρκος ή ομοεθνής τους που συνεργάζεται με τους αόρατους μεγαλοδουλεμπόρους, είναι κάτι ανάμεσα στον προ 30 ετών πλασιέ βιβλίων και το «βαποράκι» ναρκωτικών. Από σπίτι σε σπίτι, από μαγαζί σε μαγαζί, από πεζοδρόμιο σε πεζοδρόμιο κι από αλάνα σε αλάνα. Κάθε μέρα περνάν «πουλώντας» ταξίδια στη γη της επαγγελίας. Για πολλούς έχουν ανοίξει και καρτέλα. Πληρώνονται έναντι των ταξιδιών τους σε δόσεις. Πέντε-δέκα ευρώ την εβδομάδα μέχρι να συγκεντρωθεί το απαιτούμενο ποσό.


Οι παλιές μέρες με τους Σύρους, κυρίως, πρόσφυγες με τα πολλά λεφτά είναι παρελθόν. Στην πλειοψπλειονότητά τους οι άνθρωποι που περιμένουν να περάσουν είναι φτωχοί φυγάδες του πολέμου ή της ανέχειας. Άνθρωποι που θέλουν απλά να ζήσουν καλύτερα.


Δουλεύουν, οι περισσότεροι μαζεύουν χαρτί και μέταλλο από τα σκουπίδια και τα πουλάν σε εταιρείες ανακύκλωσης. Κι ότι κερδίζουν το ακουμπάνε στον μεταφορέα.

Η ιεραρχία σήμερα

Στην κορυφή του κυκλώματος της διακίνησης ανθρώπων προς την Ελλάδα, σήμερα και μετά τις αλλαγές που επήλθαν στη διάρκεια των τελευταίων μηνών, αλλά και τα υπέρογκα κέρδη που κάποιοι εξασφάλισαν και που υπολογίζονται σε οκτώ δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ, είναι οι κορυφαίοι της τουρκικής μαφίας. «Αν η τουρκική κυβέρνηση δεν ήθελε να κάνουμε τη δουλειά που κάνουμε εμείς δεν θα μπορούσαμε να περάσουμε στην Ελλάδα ούτε μύγα», είχε πει ένας από αυτούς στο ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο, σε ένα άλλο ταξίδι στην τουρκική μεγαλούπολη της Σμύρνης. Οι περισσότεροι από αυτούς τους επικεφαλής, κάνουν αυτή τη δουλειά πάνω από 20 χρόνια.


Στην άλλη άκρη του δικτύου είναι οι τοπικοί παράγοντες. Αυτοί που διαθέτουν χώρους- ασφαλή περάσματα απ’ όπου και ξεκινούν οι βάρκες. Είναι υπεύθυνοι να διατηρούν το πέρασμα καθαρό και ασφαλές και να εξασφαλίζουν είτε την εκπαίδευση κάποιου από τους μεταφερόμενους στον χειρισμό της βάρκας, είτε την εξασφάλιση κάποιου που έναντι καλού μεροκάματου θα μεταφέρει τη βάρκα στο νησί και θα επιστρέψει στη συνέχεια στη βάση.


Στο ενδιάμεσο των κορυφαίων και των τοπικών παραγόντων οι «ντίλερς» που μαζεύουν πελατεία και οι «μπάνκερς» οι οποίοι εισπράττουν τα κόμιστρα. Αυτοί και πληρώνουν όσους έχουν λαμβάνειν. Περίπου το 15-20% πληρώνεται σε όλους τους άλλους συμμετέχοντες στη μεταφορά, ενώ το υπόλοιπο ποσό το παραλαμβάνει ο κορυφαίος του κυκλώματος. Αυτός πληρώνει και τους «μπανκερς». Περίπου 10 με 30 ευρώ για κάθε είσπραξη.

Ο... τιμοκατάλογος

Χαμηλές πλέον είναι οι τιμές για όσους περνάνε στα ελληνικά νησιά. Χαμηλές σε σχέση με αυτές που επικρατούσαν το καλοκαίρι και το φθινόπωρο του 2015. Το πέρασμα με πλαστική βάρκα κοστίζει 300 με 350 ευρώ ο ενήλικας και 150 με 200 ευρώ το παιδί.


Για τους ελάχιστους έχοντες βέβαια υπάρχουν και οι VIP μεταφορές. Μεταφορά από ξηράς με πλαστά έγραφα κοστίζει περί τα 1.800 ευρώ. Αντίστοιχη μεταφορά με αεροπλάνο φτάνει και τα 10.000 ευρώ.


Στα μισά, 5.000 ευρώ πέφτει η τιμή για μεταφορά με εμπορικό πλοίο. Η ίδια τιμή ισχύει και για μεταφορά στα νησιά με ταχύπλοο ή ιστιοφόρο. Τέλος VIP μεταφορά με jet ski είναι στα 8.000 ευρώ με οδηγό και στα 15.000 ευρώ χωρίς οδηγό- μιας και στο jet ski θα κατασχεθεί.


Πηγή: ΑΠΕ - ΜΠΕ

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Admin, I don't think anyone admires Tsipras here but "a crime against the refugees"? How so? What do you think Tsipras should have done about the refugees and what should he do now?



Well Eyo has wet dreams about Alexi. That's why he follows the Syriza playbook and detracts from a meaningfull debate.

Back to the question: Why is it absolutely correct to talk about Crimes of the Tsipras Government against the refugees.


1. Tsipras and his government didn't even bother to provide basic sanitation, in the form of Porta Potties, showers, laundry facilities and so on. They only started moving after massive outrage from the media. By that time the refugee camp at Idomeni surpassed 10000 and International  aid organizations jumped in to carry the Burden, The Greek Government remains, for the greater part, absent from the efforts.


2. He did dispatch 2 dozen undercover tax collection agents though. To make sure that the local merchants, from whom the refugees buy neccesities, don't withhold VAT. This heroic action yielded about a dozen convictions. And it also shows you what the priorities of the "SYRIZA Humanitarians" are.


3. And why do the refugees buy from local vendors? Cause despite all the money Greece received for the basic needs of the refugees from the EU, they did nothing. Even though everybody with ONE braicell, that excludes Eyo and most Greeks again, knew that the Border is closing since last November the Greek Government did nothing to prepare for the crisis which was clearly visible on the horizon. And they did so for a reason. The reason being: In the midst of the chaos Panos Kamenos just signed government contracts with service vendors who are supposed to provide for the basic needs of the refugees. And he waited until the crisis was in full swing so he could award those contracts without going to a biding process and without any oversight. He just signed them as emergency measures and so he doesnt have to explain why those contracts were awarded all to people from his environment. Since Tsipras came to power, 7 out of 10 Government contracts have been awarded without bidding and oversight as "Emergency Measures"


4. And Tsipras, well he created a new office for strategic planing and appointed Nikos Karanikas to it. What is mr Karanikas qualification? The guy spend a decade or so earning his elementary teachers diploma and then he went to work as a waiter. The only reason why he got the job is because in highschool he was good friends with Alexi and they would go to Student rallies together. And Karanikas is only one of thousands of COMPLETELY UNQUALIFIED, and well paid, special advisors, general secretaries, supreme coordinators and strategic planners the Tsipras Government appointed. In fact you will have a hard time finding any qualified people among Tsiprases appointees.


All things considered: The Tsipras gang belongs in Jail.

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Guest FriendofGreece

I am not sure but I think the EU did not give (as in actually paid, not just allocated to) Greece any money yet to help with the refugees. Not sure if the plan to provide funds of 700 million euros over 3 years to any country, not just Greece, has been approved yet by now. It seems to me that Greece set up some camps quite many days ago close to the Idomeni border but the migrants refused to leave to go there, despite being told they would be better there. They complain about the living conditions and food but they don't help themselves by going to the camps.




"The plan to be submitted by the EU's executive body, the European Commission, means EU aid agencies would for the first time work directly with the UN and other groups inside Europe, rather than disbursing money to individual member states.


EU officials said the aid plan would allocate 300m euros (£233m; $325m) this year to help any EU state deal with the migration crisis. In all, 700m euros would be made available over three years.

However, BBC Europe correspondent Chris Morris says that even if such funding can be deployed quickly, the EU also needs to stem the flow of new arrivals. That would mean better co-operation with Turkey, he adds."




"We think that the expenses will surpass €1 billion," he said. "The money that we have received [from the European Union] so far, but which has not been distributed yet - through no fault of ours - is enough to construct the hot spots and relocation camps and to operate them for six or seven months."

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Guest FriendofGreece

Does Greece really have to help "Syrian refugees" like these? The first question to ask is are those people refugees or just economic migrants or simply illegal invaders.




If they pick up their own garbage, it would be more hygienic, instead of waiting for the Greeks to pick up after them.


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If it was not for the Greek people, the everyday people, the situation in Idomeni and other places which host refugees would be 1000 times worse. The Syriza government has done absolutely nothing to help the situation.


ajax gave some good points about the "crimes" of the Syriza government on this issue. However, in my eyes the biggest crime was Tsipras' and Kamenos' claim last year that Greece would let her borders open and would allow anyone to come through to Europe. As a result of this stupid and criminal "invitation" the number of refugees and illegal migrants crossing the Greek borders swelled from less than 40,000 last year (2014) to over 600,000 in 2015! We've had over 4,000 people die in the waters off Lesvos, Kos and Samos in 2015 as compared to a few dozen last year. If this is not criminal negligence on Syriza's and Tsipras/Kamenos end then what is?


How do you "invite" hundreds of thousand of people to cross to Greece without the agreement of the rest of your European partners, and without the means to support those people? This makes me extremely mad. The people who encouraged this carnage and the death of innocent people should be put to trial and spend the rest of their miserable and worthless lives in jail.

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Guest FriendofGreece

Tsipras and Kamenos have done a big mistake and keep on doing the same mistake by still keeping the borders open. I think that is why it is important that the Greek people should protest against the migrants invasion. If they protest often enough, hopefully the government will "close" the borders. It is important to say to the world that Greece will not accept migrants any more and ask them not to come any more because Greece cannot provide them asylum. That would be a beginning step to stop this mass invasion.


The migrants also have a responsibility not to invade Greece, seeing that the borders are closed already. There is nothing for them in Greece, why keep their delusions of the European dream and still come in such high numbers? Turkey is pushing them over to Greece to gain what it wants, i.e. $6 billion to start with, visa-free roaming of the EU for 70 million Turks, accession to EU, etc. Those are demands, for now, from the Devil Blackmailer. With the deal, Turkey will be pushing even more migrants over to Greece, more than before. We have not seen anything yet.


I would not say that it is criminal negligence of Tsipras and Kamenos because 4,000 migrants died in the sea. How they come over to Greece is their problem, Tsipras and Kamenos did not put the migrants in the dinghies. It is the smugglers with the cooperation of Turkey who force them to use dinghies, the smugglers and Turkey are the ones who make money and benefit from all this saga. These migrants were safe in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, they were not fleeing from death by coming to Greece. Some migrants came directly from areas in Syria which are completely safe. In Damascus, life goes on as usual. They come over this side (EU) only because they want to go to Germany, Sweden and Austria to have houses, jobs, education and spending money. They should go back home now that the borders are closed.

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Guest FriendofGreece

These migrants are not desperate, they are greedy. In Jordan, they have refugee camps set up for them that are empty because they don't want to stay there. In Greece, the army has been building refugee camps under the orders of the EU to keep migrants out of the other EU countries. Well, they don't want to stay there neither. Greece is too poor for them.



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These migrants are not desperate, they are greedy. In Jordan, they have refugee camps set up for them that are empty because they don't want to stay there. In Greece, the army has been building refugee camps under the orders of the EU to keep migrants out of the other EU countries. Well, they don't want to stay there neither. Greece is too poor for them.



They may be greedy assholes or terrorists or just desperate people. It doesn't matter, once they are in our country they are our problem and we have to deal with them. It is not a matter of being a "Humanitarian", its ia a matter of being pragmatic. The Greek government has chosen to just ignore the problem and this amounts, at the very least, to criminal negligence.


Look at what happened today.

Since last friday several blogs and local papers in Northern Greece had reported that some dubious "Helpers" were distributing leaflets among the refugees. Urging them to band together and cross into Macedonia at a spot a few miles from Idomeni today at 14:00 local time. They were promising that Germany still accepts refugees who make it there and whoever manages to cross into Macedonia will make it. The local pappers that reported the story were saying that the people who distributed those leaflets were members of some Greek Government sponsored (pseudo) NGO. The local police and the government denied the story and said those leaflets do not exists. The local pappers had made it all up.


Well today, at 14:00 several hundred refugees did get up and they crossed into Makedonia at the spot mapped in those leaflets. They were of course all arrested by the Macedonians who are gonna hand them over to the Greek authorities in accordance with border agreements. Now there are some in the Syriza government who say thats not our problem anymore and we will refuse to take those refugees back. This has the potential to cause a diplomatic row between Macedonia and Greece and isolate Greece even more in the EU. We already see the Italians colaborating with Albania in Border protection and the Austrians and Hungarians with Macedonia. They have given up on cooperating with Greece cause there is no one on the Greek side to cooperate with.


Among the Greeks around Idomeni there is the suspicion that todays "Border Crossing" was orchestrated by the Greek government in order to provoke a dispute with Macedonia to use the "Patriotic Card" as a distraction. We will know soon enough if this is the case or not. The one thing that is true though is that hundreds of people got up and march towards the border of a neighbouring country and the Greek police is no where to be found even though the intent was broadcasted at least two days in advance.


It is this form of government ordered inaction that will keep the borders closed and close them even tighter. The refugees were just the pawns in this episode. The ones who orchestrated that whole thing are cynical criminals. Whoever they may be. 

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Guest FriendofGreece

I think there was some Greek police but they were outnumbered. We will have to wait and see who wrote and circulated the leaflets.




"One refugee told the MailOnline: 'The leaflets say that if we can get over the river and into Macedonia, we can then go into Germany. 

'They said Macedonia was 500m on the other side of the river. They were signed by a German politician.' "


"If the leaflets existed, the directions were apparently not very clear because the column of refugees got lost several times and there were frequent stops with arguments about which direction to go before they finally reached the river.


A short while later, Greek police turned up and were broadcasting messages over loudspeakers telling people that there was no access to Germany by crossing the river, a tributary leading into the Vardar river north of Chamilo, but desperate refugees refused to accept what they were being told.

Even with the presence of Greek police, groups continued to push towards the river, helping each other to cross."


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Guest FriendofGreece

This is what the Greek government distributed on Sunday, before the migrants left on their little trek today.


We need to have the migrants tell us from whom they got the leaflet that told them the way to go. There is also the question of how the migrants got the cord to cross the river.




"Greek authorities handed out leaflets in Idomeni on Saturday informing people that the main route to northern Europe was shut. The pamphlets urged them to move to buildings and hospitality centers across Greece that have been set aside for the purpose, according to a government official from the country's refugee crisis management coordination body.

"Our aim is not only to relieve Idomeni from the people, our aim is that no Idomeni (camp) even exists anymore. There are structures, why should people stay in the mud?" he said.

Leaflets would also be distributed in ports and on islands to discourage people from going to Idomeni, the government official said."

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Guest FriendofGreece

Some more info on the leaflet. It seems there were activists involved.






Tsipras on the border crossing:




“Yesterday we had an unacceptable incident: the encouragement of these people by unknown people or by people who pose as volunteers not only to remain at the border but also to cross the border in unfavorable conditions,” Tsipras said referring to reports that a flyer had been distributed to the Idomeni migrants informing them of the unguarded crossing and urging them to attempt passage through a rain-swelled river.

“We appeal to the refugees at Idomeni to abandon their effort to remain in the area. There is no way that those who closed off the passage will reopen it again,” Tsipras said amid concerns of deteriorating conditions at the makeshift camp that is currently home to around 10,000 refugees and migrants.

Tsipras urged them to move to reception centers, vowing that “we will work together to speed up the process for their legal relocation to Europe.”

“The amassing of refugees and migrants at our northern borders is creating the conditions of a humanitarian crisis,” Tsipras said. “We do not want to transform it into a cross-border problem between Greece and Skopje.”


In my opinion, Greece is treating these migrants too softly with white gloves. They should simply be rounded up and taken to the camps. These are people who do not respect anything in the host country (Greece). And there is a risk of diseases spreading to the Greek population if this continues.

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Guest FriendofGreece



" Activists, among them reportedly British volunteers, handed out leaflets, seen by The Telegraph, ...

Foreign volunteers were seen helping refugees across the river, and a rope was slung between the two banks to prevent people from being swept away.“The Greek border at Idomeni is closed and will stay closed,” the leaflet said.

“There will be no buses or trains to take you to Germany. If you make your way illegally via Eastern Europe you will have a chance to stay. Germany still takes refugees.”

The flyer warned refugees that the makeshift camp at Idomeni would soon be closed and that they would be sent back to Turkey under a deal recently drawn up between the EU and Ankara.

Their best chance was to ford the river and cross into Macedonia, it said. “The border fence ends about five kilometres from here, you can enter Macedonia there.”

If the refugees crossed the river in their thousands, the Macedonian police and army would be powerless to stop them, the flyer said, calling on asylum seekers to meet on Monday at midday at the Idomeni camp.

The leaflet should be destroyed once the directions had been memorised. “The police and journalists shouldn’t know anything about it. Good luck,” it read.

Greek police are investigating who wrote and distributed the leaflet for the mass break-out.

Alexis Tsipras, the prime minister, denounced as “criminal” the people who orchestrated the attempt.

He said that “strangers, perhaps pretending to be volunteers", had encouraged the refugees to cross into Macedonia "at risk to their lives".

“This is criminal behaviour towards people who face great hardship. This must stop." "

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Three people died in the attempt to cross over to Macedonia. At least it wasn't our dumb asses who orchestrated the whole action. Looks like it was an assortment of Northern European NGO "Humanitarians". But still. Where are the Greek authorities? Do we excercise any kind of controll in our teritory?

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Guest FriendofGreece

It is written that the Macedonian police hit the migrants that went on the other side.The Greek police is told not to use force. The migrants are being coerced gently, very very gently, to please go to the camps, if they wish so and deign to do so, no rush, when it is convenient for them.


I think that the Greek authorities must use force to control these unruly masses who don't respect the laws of the country and think they can do whatever they want in Greece. The Greek army should be sent to Idomeni to round up the migrants and send them to the camps, whether they want it or not. The Idomeni camp should be cleared up in a few days. Make the migrants pick up the garbage and put them in one area, and tidy up the whole area before leaving it.


Transfer right away all the volunteers and doctors to the camps. They are not slaves to follow the migrants wherever they want to go.

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Guest FriendofGreece

These are the thanks that Canada gets for importing these Syrians. OK, they complain the money given by the Canadian taxpayers is not enough to eat, why pay for cable TV and Internet? 


These Syrians should be kicked out of Canada.




"Syrian refugee family in Dartmouth struggles on $1,350 a month


"Alghdyan says his family has received support from the government, the local immigrant settlement organization and neighbours, but the reality has been harsh.

"We were expecting something better than this," Alghdyan told CBC News through an interpreter. "Expectations didn't meet reality."

The family was given $9,000 to buy furniture to outfit their home and provide them with the essentials needed to cook and look after basic supplies. But after spending $3,000 to make sure everyone had a bed to sleep in, the family put the brakes on further purchases.

"If we were to spend all that money on furniture and supplying appliances and stuff for the house, we wouldn't have money to buy food and buy other essentials," Alghdyan said through the interpreter.

$1,350 a month

Like other government-sponsored refugees with families of a similar size, the Alghdyans gets a monthly living allowance of $1,350.

The eight-member family is living in a three-bedroom house where the rent is $1,100 a month. The family's cable, phone and internet bundle costs $114 more.

That leaves them with less than $100 a month for everything else."

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At least Angelina Jolie is visiting Piraeus right now: http://www.naftemporiki.gr/story/1080214/angelina-Jolie-in-greece-for-refugee-crisis


See? The Tsipras government has managed to bring so many celebrities to visit Greece. What else do you want you unappreciative Greeks?

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Guest FriendofGreece

OK, Syrians, again, complaining because they stayed 5 weeks in a hotel while the agencies are scrambling to find permanent housing for them, complaining that $175 of cash allowance every 5 days is not enough. That cash allowance is in addition to free hotel, free food, free everything. 



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I know that it sounds a bit ungrateful of them to complain, especially those who made it to Canada (look as an example what the ones in Greece have to go through...) but think about it: would you want to be in their shoes?

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