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Guest eyoismos

just when you thought the states had a wacky legal system ....

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Guest eyoismos

along comes the convict brigade

Unfriending Facebook friends can be considered bullying in Australia

It's tempting to unfriend people on social networks when you're mad at them, but you may want to think twice about it when coworkers are involved... at least, in Australia. The country's Fair Work Commission has determined that an administrator's decision to unfriend a fellow employee on Facebook constituted evidence of bullying. While this wasn't the only example (there was plenty of name-calling and purposeful neglect), it helped demonstrate the "lack of emotional maturity" involved with the harassment. As a result, the victim now has an order to stop the bullying, which triggered anxiety, depression and sleeping disorders.

It's doubtful that you'll see cases that lean primarily on unfriending as evidence. However, the act may prove more important in legal disputes down the road. After all, it's frequently a strong sign that one person has fallen out of favor with another. Don't be shocked if your fellow staffers are more reluctant to accept your friend requests in the future -- they may be worried that any online connections could work against them down the line.



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That should be a good lesson for those morons who like to friend anyone and everyone in Facebook. Co-workers should realize that if we work together this doesn't necessarily make us friends.

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Guest eyoismos

εγώ πάντως νομίζω το φατσοβιβλίο είναι για γελια τις περισσότερες φορές - το ακρον αωτον του κουτσομπολιού και της μαλακίας  .σε σημείο που ξέρει ο κάθένας που και πότε έκλασε


μέχρι εκεί έχει φτάσει η ανθρωπότητα  ... που όταν πρόσφατα έπεσε για 5 λεπτά το φατσοβιβλίο πρόσφατα ... οι χρηστες δεν ξέρανε τι να κάνουν με τον εαυτόν τους  και χρειαζόντουσαν ψυχανάλυση διότι ξάφνικά βρέθηκαν απομονομένοι και με το αίσθημα εγκατάλειψης απο τους "φίλους"  .... να ... σαν τους κατάδικους στην αουστράλια



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